CharBroiler Cooking Tips

Get the most from your Charbroiler

1. Use the appropriate grate for the menu selection. Some grates help drain away fat while giving the characteristic charbroiled markings.

2. Season the grates before the first use by preheating them to open the pores and brushing them with oil.

3. Be sure to pre-heat the grates before cooking. The hotter the better. This helps reduce sticking.

4. Dip the food product in seasoned oil before grilling. This also reduces sticking and enhances flavor.

Grilled Hamburger5. Position the grates on an angle for charbroiling. This helps drain the grease and gives you better control over heat distribution. Well done items go to the top position, farthest away from the heat source so they cook more slowly and thoroughly. Rare items should be in the lower position so they cook rapidly on the outside and leave the inside rare.

6. Wire brush the grates after each use or batch of food product.